Olympiad Examinations are not very popular in our country. However, aspirations have been increasing very fast in the last decade. Olympiad examinations are the most prestigious and require indepth understanding, conceptual clarity, & fundamental knowledge of science and mathematics of 12th or equivalent standard. Students preparing for IIT/AIIMS can aim these examinations along with JEE/AIIMS. Olympiad examinations conducted by HBCSE-TIFR (Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education, Mumbai) are recognised by the Indian government and internationally.
These examinations are conductuded in various stages. Students crossing one stage are only allowed to appear in the next stage. Following are the stages.
Stage-I : National Standard Examination in each of Physics/Chemistry/Biology and RMO for Mathematics.
Stage-II : Indian National “Physics/Chemistry/Biology/Mathematics” Olympiad - About 300 top students are selected from stage-I to appear for this exam in each subject.
Stage-III : Orientation cum Selection Camp in “Physics/ Chemistry/ Biology/ Mathematics” - About 30 students are selected from the stage-II to attend this camp in each subject, at the end of which the top 5 students are selected in each subject; to represent India at the International “Physics/Chemistry/ Biology/ Mathematics” Olympiad.
Stage-IV : The Pre-departure Camp (PDC) is finally held for the 5-6 students selected in each team.
Stage-I : NSEJS-National Standard examination in Junior Science
Stage-II : INJSO-Indian National Junior Science Olympiads
Stage-III : Orientation cum Selection Camp for IJSO- International Junior Science Olympiads
Stage-IV : The Pre-departure Camp