A Mathematical Olympiad is a problem solving competition open to all "mathletes". The aim of the competition is to test innate problem solving skills. The problems are restricted to those that require minimal background and high ingenuity. Since one of the goals of such olympiads is to identify talent at a young age, the RMO is meant primarily for students of Class IX, X, XI. The duration of the RMO is 3 hours, and the number of problems is about 6 to 7. At present, each region selects 30-35 students for the INMO. At the most 6 students are selected from Class XII. Total number of selections in this first round is around 300. In second round top 30 students are selected. And finally top 5-6 students represent country at international level.
Champions Academy has special RMO batches available at a few selected centres.
National Standard Examination in Physics(NSEP) is the first stage of selection of students for Physics Olympiads. NSEP is organised by the Indian Association of Physics Teachers (IAPT). Every student aspiring to go through successive stages of the Olympiads must enrol for NSEP. The total 300 selected students all over India in NSEP then appear for Indian National Physics Olympiad (INPhO). The top 30 students selected in INPhO are invited for a camp at HBCSE, Mumbai. Out of these 30 students, top 5-6 represent the country at International Stage.
Champions Academy conducts lectures for NSEP/INPhO/IPhO in special physics olympiad batches available at a few selected centres.
National Standard Examination in Junior Science (NSEJS) is the first stage of selection of students in the Junior Science Olympiad Programme. NSEJS is organised by the Indian Association of Physics Teachers (IAPT). Every student aspiring to go through successive stages of the Olympiads must enrol for NSEJS. The selected students in NSEJS then appear for Indian Junior Science Olympiad (INJSO). The top 30 students selected in INJSO are invited for a camp at HBCSE, Mumbai. Out of these 30 students, top 5-6 represent the country at International Stage.
Champions Academy conduct lectures in special NSEJS batches available at a few selected centres.